Wind & Liberty+WindsurfFrancisco Goya is a legend of our sport, he has been wave world champion in 1999, and he gave to windsurfing a new way of style and philosophy... After many years of competitions & big waveriding, sharing our passion of windsurfing with the Goya Family was another dream! Today, the Goya Windsurfing stuff is just umbealevible, the team working hard everyday, to offer to the riders the best feeling ever on the water! One Shot 1h35€ 2h55€-22% 3h70€-33% 4h et +85€-40% Set 5h120€-20% 10h190€-37% Week280€Unlimited Saison700€Unlimited Lessons Beginner to intermediate 1h50€1 rider 1h45€/rider2 riders 1h3040€/rider3 riders Package190€5 sessions Summer camp170€5 sessions of 1h30 (July and August), Monday to Friday Advanced course 1h75€1 rider 1h65€/person2 riders 1h3060€/person3 or 4 riders max